Hugin and munin tattoo
Hugin and munin tattoo

hugin and munin tattoo hugin and munin tattoo

In my personal experience, when I am asking Odin for guidance, for a sign, and I see two ravens-I do not know if ravens always fly in pairs, or Hugin and Munin are near me everyday, but I always see a pair of ravens-I know that this is the sign I was asking for, that Odin is listening, and watching. This makes sense since Odin is one of the gods of war and battle, thus they participate in the "spoils." Hugin and Munin would also be reporting on the battle, who dies bravely, and such. One of Odin's many names is the Raven God, and this is for a few reasons:Īfter a battle, when there are corpses all over the place, ravens, are usually one of the first non-humans on the scene. In some tales and ideas, the two ravens of Odin are also his messengers, bringing his thoughts and messages to those who seem far away. If you look for images of them, there are hundreds upon hundreds! They are also very popular subjects for tattoos! So this way, he can do what he needs to do, and still at the end of the day know the happenings in the Nine Worlds. Odin is a very busy god! He cannot keep eyes on everything by himself, and Odin likes to know what is going on. (However, do not forget that Odin can sit upon his throne and see all things.) So their job is very, very important. They tell him of the deeds of mortals, of giants, elves, dwarves, of wars and battles, of births and deaths. Then, at night they return to Asgard and Odin's side, well his shoulders actually, and report all that they saw that day. They see, they hear, and they gather all of the information that they can. So why are these ravens important? Well, each morning, they fly from Odin's side, and fly throughout the Nine Worlds. (They are pronounced Hoogin and Moonin.I believe.)

hugin and munin tattoo

(Odin also has a pair of wolves, named Geri and Freki.) Hugin means thought, and Munin means memory. So who are Hugin and Munin? Well, as I said they are a set of brother ravens. I think part of it is, I like to think that when I see two ravens flying near me, that Odin the All-father is watching me. Well I do not think that I could really say, but this would be a good time to state that Hugin and Munin, for those of you who may not know, are a pair of brother ravens, more on that later. Hugin and Munin are possible my favorite creatures in Norse myth. I know that this one has been I am happy to present Hugin and Munin! I think that Hugin and Munin are one of the few things in Heathenry, and Norse mythology for that matter that is nearly agreed upon by all people I have never heard of people arguing about Hugin and Munin, which is a rare thing in heathenry!

Hugin and munin tattoo